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Shelia On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac

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by dicriaforit1970 2020. 1. 27. 23:19


Shelia On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac

Natasha Bertrand's tweet - 'New: Former FBI lawyer Jim Baker—a close @Comey friend who knew about Trump's loyalty requests & efforts to protect Flynn in 2017—breaks his silenc.

  1. Sheila On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac Download
  2. Sheila On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac Os

Welcome to Reddit's most active feminist community! This is a women-centered, radical feminist subreddit to discuss gender from a critical, feminist perspective. GENDER CRITICAL FEMINISM Feminism is the movement to liberate women from patriarchy. We stand up for the rights of women to control our own bodies as individuals and to control women-only spaces as a class.

  1. Indication of membership status - One star is a FIRST member, two stars is Double Gold.
  2. All this talk about the Labour Youth camp sexual predator being related to a Labour MP, or high ranking Labour party member got me curious. I know very little about the families of the MPs who lead us, and family is a really important part of who we all are.

Women are adult human females. We do not believe that men can become women by 'feeling' like women. We do not condone the erasure of females and female-only spaces, the silencing of critical thinking, the denial of biological reality and of sex-based oppression. We oppose the 'cotton ceiling' and the pressure on lesbians to have sex with men. We resist efforts to limit women's reproductive autonomy.

We condemn the men who exploit and abuse women in prostitution and pornography. 'Women do not decide at some point in adulthood that they would like other people to understand them to be women, because being a woman is not an ‘identity.’ Women’s experience does not resemble that of men who adopt the ‘gender identity’ of being female or being women in any respect.

The idea of ‘gender identity’ disappears biology and all the experiences that those with female biology have of being reared in a caste system based on sex.' - Sheila Jeffreys, Gender Hurts FAQ & INTRO SEE THE WIKI FOR A - Start here if you're new to gender critical feminism RULES. All posts by new accounts must be approved by a moderator. If your submission doesn't show up, COMMUNITY @rGenderCritical SISTER SUBREDDITS SEE THE WIKI FOR A RESOURCES Sidebar image courtesy of.

If you've been following the news (check out the Guardian), you'll have seen that a data-mining company called Cambridge Analytica harvested information from millions of Facebook profiles in order to create targeted propaganda posts that may have swayed the USA election and the UK Brexit vote. The head of Cambridge Analytica was caught on camera saying 'it sounds a dreadful thing to say, but these are things that don't necessarily have to be true as long as they are believed'. He also said 'it has to happen without anyone thinking it's propaganda because the moment you think it's propaganda, you think 'who put that out there?'

Finally, he said that Cambridge Analytica would put out memes and posts, let them percolate around social media for a bit, and occasionally give them a little 'nudge'. Cambridge Analytica would use personality tests and analyses of meta-data on Facebook accounts to find out the personality types of Facebook users.

Sheila On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac Download

So, for example, they have a massive database of Facebook users with narcissistic, and neurotic tendencies. We know that Steve Bannon was intrigued by Cambridge Analytica, and approached the company to see if it could use data mining to turn the US election to Trumps's favor. A a whistle blower who worked on the project said 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare mindfuck tool.' So, to sum up so far, there's this company which is capable of spreading fake news and propaganda effectively through social media because it targets populations most vulnerable to this, and Steve Bannon's heavily involved and interested.

Where am I going with this? To be honest, the thought only occurred to me when I read a particular line in the Cambridge Analytica whistle blower's account. He said that Steve Bannon was 'really interested in ideas.he's the only straight man I've ever talked to about intersectional feminist theory. He saw its relevance straightaway to the oppressions that conservative, young white men feel.

This meeting took place in 2013. Notice something about this exchange - Bannon is interested in intersectional theory because of its usefulness in highlighting the oppression of conservative, white men. He sees intersectionality as a tool, a tool that can be used against feminist aims. And this isn't the first time we've heard of Bannon's interest in feminism.

Sheila On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac Os

Bannon was reported to be deeply concerned by the metoo movement, which he calls a 'wave' of 'anti-patriarchal' sentiment. He's deeply concerned that '10,000 years of recorded history will be overturned.' Obviously, Bannon doesn't want that. He doesn't want women to organise. He's full aware that women organising will be 'bigger than the tea party.it's the end of male supremacy.' This is a man who is deeply fearful of women's potential political power, and would, presumably, quite like to stop it.

What if right-wing men, scared of female power, used data mining tools, like Cambridge Analytica, to send targeted propaganda posts about feminism on social media? And what if these posts propagated the image of feminism as something which is entirely friendly to male interests? Could some of the crazier elements of liberal feminism and trans activism be a deliberate attempt to undermine women's political power and organisation? Sure, you might say, that sounds like a nutty conspiracy theory. Well.it doesn't sound as crazy as engineering the results of the US election, or Brexit.

All it would take is a few bots here and there spouting nonsense like 'bio sex doesn't exist', 'don't kink shame', 'he for she!' , 'women have dicks too', and some targeted facebook posts (from Everyday Feminism, maybe?) to people who are particularly vulnerable to this kind of thing. Just think about that ridiculous 'clownfish can change sex' post that went viral on Facebook.

Christ, that stupid post was everywhere. It was shared over 30 thousand times. If you search for it on Google, the top posts say things like 'epic takedown of transphobia', and 'this post smacks down transphobia with science'.This is despite the fact that the post is absolute garbage. And let's look again at 'intersectionality'.

The Cambridge Analytica whistleblower had his chat with Steve Bannon about intersectionality in 2013.If you look at Google trends, the concept of intersectionality was practically unheard of in 2012. This isn't surprising: it's an academic concept from feminist theory. From late 2012 onwards, however, it slowly starts to rise in Google trends, with a massive explosion of interest in 2015 to the present day.

And how is the concept of intersectionality being used today? Well, on social media you hear things like 'my feminism is intersectional or it's bullshit!' And what does 'being intersectional' mean? Oh, it means taking into account the feelings and oppression of everyone under the sun. It means putting trans women first. It means 'he for she'. As Everyday Feminism puts it ' intersectionality means.looking out for each other.'

Hmm, looking out for each other. Looking out for.young conservative men as well, maybe? Intersectionality, as it is discussed now, has nothing to do with the oppression of black women, or the analysis of axis of oppression and how these intersect. It is now used as a trump card, an oppression olympics power up, and a potent silencing weapon. It is used in a divisive, destructive way. What's another favorite libfem term?

What about 'white feminism'? Again, google trends shows it wasn't on the radar until 2013, and then it exploded in popularity in 2015. What about 'trans women are women'?


Wasn't a thing at all until 2012, and became massive in 2015 and then 2017. 'Transgender' itself, as a topic of interest, was pretty stable until 2013/2014 when it completely took off. Similarly, 'TERF' took off in popularity in 2014. Gee, what happened around that time to make all these concepts become wildly popular? Where did they come from? On the topic of the term 'TERF': someone (I can't remember who) did some research and noted that TERF reached a google search peak after the women's marches.

Because there were so many posts about the pink pussy hats, and calling them transphobic. What better way to stop women marching and protesting than to call them a slur? What better way to derail women's organising and campaigning than to say 'but their hats!?!' I've often made jokes about trans theory and liberal feminism being exquisitely antithetical to female interests, and so obviously beneficial to men. I joke that there has to be a cabal of rich white dudes who sit round a table and say 'hmm, how can we fuck up the feminist movement today?

Let's tell them that it's really MEN who are oppressed, and they're bigots! Ooh, and we can also tell them it's bigoted to talk about their periods!' With these revelations about massive data mining, and targeted posts, it may not be so much of a joke. And it doesn't even require THAT much of a conspiracy theory. As the head of Cambridge Analytica said - you just need to put the ideas out there, to the right people, and give them a bit of a 'nudge' now and again.

Edited to add: Haha, so I see this got picked up on Kiwi Farms as a 'TERF conspiracy'. I agree, there seem to be a lot of people trying to create and exploit as many fracture lines as possible.

Personally, I try to work against one little fracture line, by trying to bring in GC ideas to other trans people, to reduce the negative influence that trans activists now have. But when I see the level of hatred, I know the odds are not in our favor. I am a little sad when I see stuff about the KKK respecting pronouns on the top page and heavily discussed, while other news such as how seniors make 20% of the female prison population do not draw any interest.

Anyone else who also sense these fracture lines - maybe you can work against another fracture line? We may not have their funds or influence, but I believe truth is a very strong force. The people to tackle are other feminists - without the handmaidens working, genderists fall back to a tiny minority. And more feminists will eventually be discontent with the doublethink, and pushing away their self-interest, and they’re familiar with the reality and not the propaganda. That arc of awareness is why most of us are here really.

Gays and lesbians will be a core pushback against cotton ceiling narratives so that is probably another future backbone. And trans apostates and transsexuals against transgenderism, they offer a different path of sanity for people who are genuinely confused, dysphoric and need help without the dose of madness that comes with it currently. The right wing, on its own, will move against all of us using this as their Trojan horse. If we don’t do it, they will.

Sheila on twitter: rt @tuite_tips: twitterkiwi for mac os

Mobilizing them is the goal of Bannon and Cambridge in the first place. IMO it's not just 'likely', it's a no-brainer. Things like conscious feminism, minority spaces, etc. Are already small to begin with.

They are even easier to affect than the election crap. And ultimately, this is just an inherent weakness of the left. It necessarily has to cater to white women, black men, black women, Asian men, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, women who aren't women but think they're women, vegans, etc. The right operates on 'might is right', which means they just do whatever the fuck they want with impunity.

The left operates on 'reduce oppression'. The problem is that there is seemingly no bounds to where people can agree oppression is okay (we need to uplift women and POC, but also transmen, and meat animals, and dolphins, and bacteria, and and and and). This is extremely likely. I actually just mentioned this to my friend the other day - that I think a large portion of the trans trend is being engineered. These recent revelations just provide further evidence.

The Russian propaganda campaign surrounding the Trump election (I am somewhat ill-informed on Brexit, so forgive me, but it may apply there as well) relied on misleading both sides of the political spectrum in the US. (We know pretty conclusively about trolls and bots that promoted Trump but a recent indictment implicated Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein as well: ).

Hijacking the feminist narrative with accusations of 'white feminism' and 'transphobia' is right up their alley. A few weeks ago a friend of mine on twitter posted about masculinity and 3 bots showed up to call him a cuck (etc), I wouldn't be surprised if talking about periods or whatever was similarly on their radar. People have theorized that Gamergate was a test/practice run for the Russian trolls and botnets to get an idea of how easily they could influence our social media landscape. This is an absolutely huge rabbithole to go down but I'd recommend checking out Sarah Kendzior and her writings. What better way to flex your propaganda muscles than to get the populace to believe that biological sex doesn't exist? Geez, I never even thought about the Gamergate link before - I will definitely check those resources out. Edited to add: I notice that the gamergate stuff, and the anti black lives matter stuff happened in 2014.

So 2014 seems to be the year that this shit really started to make waves. One more thing that made me suspect this whole thing is engineered.just how quick it's escalated. In 2010, transgenderism was a very rare, medical oddity. It was accepted to be a neurological or psychological condition manifesting severe bodily dysphoria, that could be most effectively treated with surgery and hormones. I checked out a 'what is transgenderism' article from the Guardian from 2010, and it's amazing in that the author has to go back to the 50s and 70s to bring up examples of famous trans people. It really wasn't a 'thing' at all. So how, in the space of 8 years, have we got to 'bio sex isn't real, and trans women are women and female, and penises are female, and periods are transphobic, and check your genital preferences, and trans isn't a medical condition'?

It was accepted to be a neurological or psychological condition The diagnosis 'gender identity disorder' was in the DSM until trans advocates pushed for the 'stigma' to be removed (2013), replacing GID with 'gender dysphoria' which magically no longer has the stigma-carrying word 'disorder' but somehow requires medical interventions to the body?? Result: allows the psychological reasons for young people now developing GID/GD in hugely raised numbers (as with eating disorders, cutting, etc.) to go unexamined and untreated.

Because treating the root causes of developing GID/GD would be 'conversion therapy', right? /s (Edited to correct to 'untreated'.).

I don't do any social media. I don't buy things on the internet, nor do I click on ads.

I think I have a healthy, but not obsessive, distrust of the internet on the whole, considering who is actually running it and how commercial it has become. When I first started logging on, almost 25 yrs ago, there were no ads and no World Wide Web. We were on dial up exclusively and you had to type exact addresses into the search engine (no Google, either). Mostly, though, even while I had a Mac, which cost over $2K, there was little to do if you did.

Shelia On Twitter: Rt @tuite_tips: Twitterkiwi For Mac